Katie and I were debating about going to Mexico today to see the kids, as Katie seems to be recovering but
I am not yet.
We decided after waiting awhile, that our symptoms, basically get worse at night. We were feeling ok, and Karelly was standing outside Juan's house, online, waiting for an answer. We decided to go.
The family picked us up at the Pharmacy at 1PM, and we headed back to their house.
We gave them the $100 from Al Brolly, and explained that he was a friend, and just wanted them to have it. As usual this family is so appreciative of any help they get. Erika went and got some colored paper to make a sign with the girls, to say thank you to Al for the gift.
I brought a range extender for wifi, which I hoped would enable Karelly to pick up Juan's internet, so that she didn't have to go and stand outside.
It didn't work, as it was not powerful enough, managed to see the connection and get 1 or 2 bars, but that is not good enough. It is important for us to be able to maintain communication when we are back in Canada. Karelly is smart enough to do what it takes, given the right opportunity.
Two options...one was for me to try and find a strong way to get Juan's signal, I have been researching that for a few days, but in order to set something up that is more elaborate, I would have to order the parts, and we don't have time for that.
Between Livario and Erika, we managed to go through a process, where we learned they can get internet through an internet stick, which can plug into the usb port of my old laptop that we gave them. The stick is $60 and they can get internet for $5/mth after that. I'm not so sure about that, but we gave them the money, because if that works, I don't have to try and find a long range booster solution, that may or may not work.
They were going to get that hooked up Monday, hope that works!
We asked about house hunting, and they said they had found something. We then went on a long ride a fair distance from where they are now, and ended up at a purple place, not occupied. We went inside and found out it was three rooms, the one in the back was ok, the middle one, had a huge trench in the concrete running through the middle of the room. It looked like someone was going to hookup indoor plumbing, but never finished, as there was an outhouse attached outside. The front room was barely ok, but the front door and windows leave something to be desired.
middle room |
Ensuite |
Back room |
We looked at a couple of others right around there, and every time I pointed at some concrete building that was not finished, Livario would tell me "too expensive."
This whole area is too far away from where the girls are going to school, and from where Livario works on a daily basis. We found out later, that the only reason they were looking there, was to save us from having to spend too much money.
We came back to the house, and I asked Livario if he could get Juan so we could have a conversation with translation. He did, and Juan came over.
We started to learn things we did not know before, and that is only because if you do not have the time and a good translator, you only learn the answer to the direct question you are asking. The translator has to be able to understand what you are really asking, and what else you would like to know depending on the answer.
We learned that Erika and the family had been in this house once before. Erika had negotiated with someone, we're not sure who, for them to be able to stay there. After awhile, some guys arrived in a truck, and told them to get out. They had no choice so they got out, and had to find somewhere else. I asked Juan, who has a nice house there, what he would do if these same guys came to his house and told him to get out. He immediately said he would take his family and leave. He said first priority is to look after his family. I asked him what he would do after that, and he said he thought he would get the Mexican Marines to get him back in to his own house. Such is life in Mexico, with the drug cartels.
Sad part is, that if no one bought and used the drugs they are selling, there would be no drug cartels. What a pie in the sky thought that is!
So at anytime now, the same thing could happen to the family again, where those guys come back and say get out! or not! who knows? they may never come back, or could come back tomorrow.
In our minds, Katie's and mine, we need to help them find a place good enough to live in for the family, and safe for them and the girls, and we're really not prepared to stop until that happens. I don't think I will ever be laying on my deathbed, saying to myself "I wish I had not done everything I could, to help the family find a decent place to live" What is the point in having money if you can't do something good with it...you certainly can't take it with you!
So the search will continue...such a shame they can't stay where they are...as that would be perfect...but so far, we just can't figure out how to make that happen, and we have a feeling our resources are a too limited to make that happen.
We had a great afternoon with the kids, and around 6, Livario took us to the bridge. There was a lineup and we discovered that is because they only had one agent on for pedestrians. Soon we were back in the US with no problems.
We just relaxed at night as we were tired.
and so ends another great day in the Valley...
more later...
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